Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Psi - The Cross-Platform Jabber/XMPP Client For Power Users

If you are a big Jabber user (that includes Google Talk users), especially if you like the MUCs/conferences/chat rooms, you should try Psi. Despite its diminutive version number, it is probably the most capable GUI Jabber client I've used. And I've tried many! Like, everything in the Ubuntu and Fedora package repositories. As a bonus, it's also very attractive and friendly!

Good job, dev team.


Posted via email from Ali Nabavi's posterous

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Netflix with Prism - mozilla-labs-prism | Google Groups

Find your *prefs.js* file (the location varies by Operating System), and add the following line: user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3"); If you are on a Mac, the file is in: /home/[your username]/Library/Application Support/[application name] /Profiles/[your profile]/prefs.js

Posted via email from Ali Nabavi's posterous

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

SourceForge.net: globonote

GloboNote - Desktop note taking program

GloboNote is a simple and easy to use desktop note taking program(Sticky Note). It lets you organize your ideas, ToDOs, reminders in one place and allows you to find it easily. GloboNote can be run in any OS that has Java 6 installed.

List of Features:

  • Platform Independent. Run on any OS that has Java 6 or higher installed.
  • Set Alarms. Remind yourself of important events. Set recurring alarm, play custom sound(*.wav, *.aiff or *.mp3).
  • Build-in Calculator. Enter the calculation in the note then press F2.
  • Organize notes in group. Display/Hide notes according to group.
  • Customize notes. Change color, font, behavior of your note.
  • Create note templates and load it using hotkeys(ALT-1 to ALT-4).
  • Search Notes. Locate your notes using the search tool. Search while you are typing.
  • Attach files on note then double click to launch it.
  • Attach images on notes.
  • Paste image(screenshot) from clipboard to note.
  • Support for URLs handling. (Ctrl-)Click on the URL and the appropriate application will be launched.
  • Find/Replace the content of the note
  • Make note to always stay on top of other window.
  • Make note to auto rollup when not used.
  • Support for rich text editing with bold, italic, colour etc.
  • Restore deleted notes.
  • Lock note to prevent unintended editing or deletion of note
  • Export note as plain text
  • Print note

Detailed list of features...

Very handy! So far, I like it tons better than Mac Stickies.

Posted via email from Ali Nabavi's posterous

Technology Review: Blogs: Guest Blog: Privacy-Protecting Search Engine Challenges Google

Google, a company with 20,000 employees and $24 billion in revenue in 2009, is being challenged--by a guy in Philadelphia.

Gabriel Weinberg is the coder behind Duck Duck Go. It's a search engine that is profoundly--some might say radically--private. Unlike Google, it doesn't build a user profile for you, store your IP address, or collect any other information that could ever tie a particular search to you.

That makes it impossible, for example, for a future more-evil version of Weinberg (or his company, were someone to buy it) to exploit that data by selling it to advertisers without your permission (as Digg, MySpace, Facebook, and others have done). Or for the company to accidentally make search data public so that someone can connect whole strings of searches to the individuals who conducted them (as was done with AOL data in 2006). Or for a more intrusive U.S. or foreign government to successfully subpoena your search history.

Better yet, as of a few days ago, Duck Duck Go searches plug a gaping security hole few users have ever thought of--the fact that every time you conduct a search on Google, your search terms are passed to the site(s) you click on after conducting that search.

To understand why that's important, Google something you'd rather was kept private, and click on the top search result. Now the webmaster of that site has both the terms you used to find that site and your IP address. As the RIAA has illustrated, this is another way to identify you directly.

Of course, what's a search engine worth if it doesn't give useful results? Surprisingly, considering its (so far) modest scope, this is an area where Duck Duck Go also shines. Apparently, one of the forces that motivated Weinberg to build it was the creeping ascendancy of spammy pseudo-content on Google. Duck Duck Go feels like a more-cultivated version of the web--fast, informative results without all the dross.

While it has its own web crawler and web index, Duck Duck Go also pulls results from Microsoft's Bing and Yahoo's BOSS search APIs, so a lot of what you're getting are results you could find on those search engines, anyway. What sets DDG apart, however, is the way those results are parsed, re-ordered, and displayed on a page that feels like it was built by a designer instead of an ubernerd. In other words, in some ways it's a better user experience, and with an array of customizations sure to please the internet-savvy designer / hacker / open source geek that are sure to be its early adopters.

Its search rendered friendly and usable again--and most importantly, totally private. After all, your web browser has an anonymous / incognito mode--shouldn't your search engine have one too?

Posted via email from Ali Nabavi's posterous

Raving Web marketer idiot


Gonna make HER site look nice! Now that Bing is shoveling it to Facebook! You'd better do it too! Do it!!!

Posted via email from Ali Nabavi's posterous